Stiftschor – the monastery choir – has existed ever since the services of the monastery church began to feature singing in several ranges of voice. Originally, the choir was comprised exclusively of monks and male students from the monastery school. From the 1970s on, the Stiftschor was opened up to singers – male and female – from the town. Singing together strengthens the body and soul and enlivens church services as we celebrate our faith. Today, the Stiftschor serves as an important link between the Stiftsschule, the monastery, and the town.
Rehearsals take place in the music room of the Stiftsschule every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. Monks, day students and boarders come together with other Engelbergers who love to sing.
Since the summer of 2012, the Stiftschor has been under the direction of Ruth Mory-Wigger. Her focus is on bringing musical variety to the church services. Song should match the occasion and those celebrating together. Familiar songs and little-known pieces, old and modern music, world-famous songs and treasures found in the monastery’s music library all belong to the program. Whoever takes pleasure in singing different styles will find themselves at home and welcome in the Stiftschor.
Choir Conductor
Ruth Mory-Wigger
Stiftsschule Engelberg
+41 (0)41 639 61 94
P. Guido Muff OSB (Chairman)
Benediktinerkloster Engelberg
+41 41 639 61 61